Hello! Sorry to keep you waiting!
Welcome to my new Game:
After working on this game for around a Year now, It´s almost ready to be released to the world.
A little warning up front though...
This is not your typical Pokemon Game where you travel trough a Region and defeat an evil organization to save the world.
This is an Open World game with heavy emphasis on exploration and player freedom, thus there is no singular overarching plot to be found(or is there...?)
The world is yours to explore from the second you finish the ca. 1 min long tutorial at the start.
If you´re looking for a Pokemon - Metroidvania style open world game with quests, you found it.
I´ll be updating this threat from time to time over the next couple days and weeks leading up to the Release of the finished Game so if you´re interested in what´s to come, check back in every now and again.
-Fossil Reviver -Daycare -Multiple Name Raters -Multiple Move Deleters -Multiple Move Relearners -Kurts Pokeballs and Apricorn Trees -10 Gyms -Gyms follow a specific Theme rather than a Single Type -Badges can be won in alternative ways(you don´t have to fight the Gym leaders for their badge if you don´t want to) -Dive Maps -NO Roaming Legendary Pokemon (They don´t run off!) -EV/IV Screen (visible in Pokemon menu) -Animated Battle Sprites (Pokemon Elite Battle System) -Bug Contests -Jurassic Park -Slotmachines -Voltorbflip -Poker -Tilepuzzles -DPPt-Style Digging minigames -Triple Triad -Berry shops -Following Pokemon(Heartgold/Soulsilver style) -Adaptive Leveling of Wild Pokemon(Optional, can be toggled between random Levels and adaptive leveling) and Trainers/Gymleaders(depending on the Number of Badges you have) -Gym Leader Rematches (They won´t hold back this time...) -HM Items(No more wasting Moveslots for HM Moves) -Trade Expert -Battle Frontier -Pokemon World Tournament -Large Open Region that can be explored in any order you want -Many Secrets to uncover -Wild Pokemon Roaming the Routes visibly(Sword/shield style) -Changes of Evolutions(no more trading required!) -Multiple Quests(Complete with Questlog in the Menu) -MEGA-EVOS for [U]almost every[/U] Pokemon -Textskip(press and hold X to skip through textboxes) -Fast Forward(Tap to cycle through Speed-up Stages(1: normal speed, 2: Faster, 3: Fastest)( Music speed stays the same) -Larry, the Looter (Items you can´t find anywhere else) -649 catchable Pokemon(Gen 1 to Gen 5)
-Seasonal Events
A game by AthalePrime --==[Resources Used]==-- ---PLUGINS & SCRIPTS--- Pokepoker by: Aioross https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=439142 Textskip by: Amethyst https://reliccastle.com/resources/290/ HMs as Items by: FL (additional editing by derFischae and Bulbasaurlvl5) https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=429034 Simple Quest System, Following Pokemon, Better Random Movements by: mej71 https://reliccastle.com/resources/149/ https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=429033 Bug-Fixes by: derFischae https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=429033 Graphical Overhaul of the Bag by: LackDeJurane AKA CharizardThree3 https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=434143 Elite Battle System, Modular Title Screens, Trade Expert by: Luka S.J. https://luka-sj.com/res Better Fast Forward by: Marin https://luka-sj.com/res EV/IV Screen by: Zardae & Thundaga https://reliccastle.com/resources/319/ ---TOOLS--- Region created using the Region Generator tool by: Unbayleefable https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=429142 ---SPECIAL SPRITES--- Apricorn-Sprite by: Crono099 https://reliccastle.com/threads/3690/ ---MUSIC--- Final Fantasy VIII - Shuffle or Boogie Various OST´s from: Pokemon Ruby, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky, Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Sun, Pokemon Black, Pokemon Leafgreen, Pokemon Heartgold, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Ranger, Pokemon Omega Ruby, Pokemon Ultramoon, Poxemon X, Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia ---SPECIAL THANKS--- Thundaga, for their outstanding Tutorials, that made creating this game so much more possible and Fun! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuIp7Uf7pllmpcFOHbj4r8cVQYywpRZB5 ---POKEMON ESSENTIALS--- "Pokémon Essentials" was created by: Flameguru Poccil (Peter O.) Maruno With contributions from: AvatarMonkeyKirby Luka S.J. Boushy MiDas Mike Brother1440 Near Fantastica FL. PinkMan Genzai Kawakami Popper help-14 Rataime IceGod64 SoundSpawn Jacob O. Wobbrock the__end KitsuneKouta Venom12 Lisa Anthony Wachunga and everyone else who helped out "RPG Maker XP" by: Enterbrain Pokémon is owned by: The Pokémon Company Nintendo Affiliated with Game Freak This is a non-profit fan-made game. No copyright infringements intended. Please support the official games!
Known Bugs
-When diving your Follower Pokemon can reappear running on the water behind you.
-Townmap sometimes doesn´t show player location.
-Quest names sometimes reach into the quest details window
-Using registered Items by pressing F while having a Mudkip/Marshtomp in your Party causes the game to crash(Swampert is fine though)
Current Version: 1.2.9
TELEPORT PATCH(Fixes Teleport)(For V1.2.8)
Thanks for making this game! Seriously enjoying it! :)